Friday, October 22, 2010

Drugs make you stupid (er)

A local school has had it's share of the limelight this year.... 1st because of 4 students being killed in a vehicle accident.  2nd due to 4 cheerleaders being drunk while cheering at the Homecoming game and getting suspended from school and kicked off the squad the rest of their high school years.  3rd and most recent....sophomores bringing pot and bongs to school and being expelled.   Sounds like a reality show... well it is REAL alright!
My daughter joked...they already have 4 drunk cheerleaders, 4 dead kids, and sophomores that are stoned.   Exclude the deaths and that doesn't sound unlike my high school years......seriously.
I can understand the first guy who had marijuana found in his backpack when a cell phone went off and nobody fessed up to it... all backpacks in the class was searched..they found his pot.  I have not heard whether the cell phone was found, however I think if this was me, I would be kicking some butt for the student not coming clean about that.  I am guessing he had pot in his bag from the weekend and maybe forgot it there.  Why else bring it inside the school?  I mean REALLY????
He gets called into the office and gives up names of friends hoping to get a lesser penalty.  This would not have happened in my days of school.  We would never rat out a friend.  Little did he know.. after giving names, he still would get expelled.  The following day, his best friend has a BONG in his possession....(again??why at school?).  He also names names when scared of what may happen....DUMB!
Several students are then brought down and made to strip to undershirts and shorts...even removing shoes and socks.. for a pat down.  Then the RANDOM (or not so random, since they have a list to go from now) drug tests begin.  Half of the sophomore student body was SICK that day and didn't go to school.  I wonder if Golden Seal and Niacin and cranberry pills were flying off the shelves around town.  Otherwise.. anyone who smoked pot or did any other drugs for Homecoming weekend.... would fail the test.  Because I have heard it stays in your system for 10 days or so.

I am under the impression that MY CHILD has nothing to worry about.  I am hoping that I am not being naive.  I even told her, had I know all this yesterday we could have made some money selling her urine.  I wonder if that is illegal?  Selling body fluids, that is....I mean we do not know why the people want it.  Is it illegal to sell urine?

This is my thought for the day...and nobody can tell me my thoughts are wrong..they are mine and mine alone.  Not factual.  So there. Enough said!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

caring for the cubs

My mother, bless her departed soul, taught me and my sister and half brother survival skills.  We know how to make money even if we don’t have a job.  We know how to get food, even though we have no money.  We can keep our lights and water on without that green paper called cash. 
I am glad that we have not had to do most of those things recently. (not since I was 16 , some 24 yrs back).  If the need arose however, we could do it.  And we would not hesitate to do these things to care for our family.  I am not pleased to say my mother took advantage of many a man to feed and clothe her children.  She was married 9 times and divorced 8.  Of course there were lots of UNCLES in between…if you get my drift.
My wonderful mother also had no problem admitting when she needed a break.  She would make sure we were in capable hands and off she would go on a solitary adventure.
I guess I am really and truly my mothers daughter....I am ready to run away.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


This is just a test to see if I am doing it correctly.